The INSPIRE Curriculum - Overview


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Aims of our curriculum: 

We have a challenging, stimulating and enjoyable curriculum which:

- develops the INDIVIDUAL- values, attitudes, knowledge, skills and understanding
- NURTURES curiosity and creative thinkers
- is broad, balanced and has clear progression in subject knowledge and SKILLS
- is filled with rich PURPOSEFUL first-hand experiences and uses expertise beyond the classroom
- develops INDEPENDENCE, resilience and perseverance to always be our best
- is flexible and RESPONSIVE to individual needs and interests.
- EMBRACES children’s knowledge and understanding of the developing world we live in, modern-cultural Britain and our own diverse community

Through the delivery of the curriculum we aim to:

- improve outcomes for all children, including those that are disadvantaged
- equip children with knowledge and enthusiasm to develop their understanding of the world 
- ensure children regularly practise what they have learned to commit knowledge to their long term memory
- allow teachers to work effectively and efficiently as teams, to support one another to develop and deliver a high quality curriculum

Our teachers will:

- clearly set out the curriculum for every topic, for every year group
- use knowledge organisers to display key knowledge 
- use regular, low stakes quizzing to support long term memory 
- be open to develop their practice through coaching and mentoring
- involve the community at each step of the journey

Our children will:

- receive a broad and balanced curriculum
- develop their knowledge and understanding of the world
- be provided with opportunities to share what they have learned
- develop their long term memory to retain key knowledge about a range of subjects

On each class page you will find a Long Term Plan and curriculum information.

Please see the following pages to see how British Values are incorporated within our curriculum

Promoting British Values

British Values and our PSHE/Safeguarding Curriculum



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