Worship Leaders

Screenshot 2022-10-19 at 21.08.29.pngAs part of our Pupil Leadership Team we have a group of pupils who have chosen to be our school Worship Leaders. They meet regualrly to develop and evaluate our worship and also help to plan our Ethos Afternoons. One of their first jobs this year has been to refine our lunchtime prayer and share this with our whole school. 

Our worship leaders will also be working towards their Bronze Worship Leader certificate. To achieve this they need to complete the following.

Develop spiritually by:

  • talking about why it is important to come together as a whole school community for collective worship
  • giving examples of how some Bible stories have helped me to understand more about Jesus
  • talk about different ways of praying (i.e. muti- sensory prayers, silent prayer, sung prayers, prayers with responses etc)
  • say how learning more about Christian values in collective worship has made me think about things differently or changed the way I behave.

Develop as a leader of worship by:

  • prepare the worship table (i.e. set out Candles, Bible, Values Poster, Worship Colour etc)
  • plan with others and help to lead an act of worship for my class
  • talk about why Christians celebrate Christmas, Easter, and Pentecost (i.e. the stories that lie behind the festivals)
  • say the Lord’s Prayer and talk about the meaning of some parts of it.


Each individual class also has worship leaders to support during class worship and they are also working towards a bronze certificate. 



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