Heidi, our school dog

Meet Heidi!

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Heidi is our school dog. She has undertaken assessments with Dogs Helping Kids. In order to become a fully certified school dog Heidi will continue to train with certified trainers developing a range of skills used to support our children in school.  She spends her time between the Leadership office and working with individual and groups of children.

Heidi is used as a dog to educate, provide therapy and listen to children read. It has been proven that working with a dog improves children’s social skills and self-esteem. Many studies have been undertaken that give credit to the benefits of dogs in the school.  We also place great emphasis on using Heidi to educate children about how to approach, act around and train dogs. There is no better place to educate our children on how to treat animals than that of the school environment. Animals in schools can encourage children to respect all life, teach responsibility, motivate those children who are often not that attentive, help calm children down and improve academic achievement.

In addition to this, if children are wary of dogs, they can be supported in approaching, handling and gaining confidence in managing their fears, through the presence of a specially trained dog in school

Heidi has been fully risk assessed but if you have any questions, concerns or reservations then please do contact the school for further information.

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