Rights Respecting School


As a Rights Respecting School we promote children’s rights and put them at the heart of our schools’ practice and ethos.  We are currently a Silver Rights Respecting School - Rights Aware and are working hard to achieve our Gold. Our curriculum embeds the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child wherever possible helping all pupils to realise their potential and be the best that they can be.  We aim to equip children with the information, skills and confidence to become aware of the links between the local and the global and to enable them to become active global citizens.  This involves challenging and supporting children to become critical thinkers, developing independent learning skills and learning about their rights and how to respect them.

Our School Council pupils act as our Rights of the Child ambassadors and lead the school in learning as much as possible about rights and how we can all put this into action in our daily lives. 

During our INSPIRE worships we learn about various inspirational people or special awareness days that help us to learn more about our rights and the work that UNICEF do. 

We are commited to teaching children about their rights and ensuring we do our job as 'Duty Bearers' - people who uphold the rights of the child. Each class has there own Class Charter where children recognise which rights are important to their class as well as learning about the different roles of 'Rights Holders' and 'Duty Bearers'. 

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There are 54 articles in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, you will see some of these as you move around our school community including;

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Link to UNICEF resources

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