Special Educational Needs
Our SEND Lead is Aaron Byrne you can contact him via the school phone on 0151 428 6295 or via email [email protected]
At Bishop Martin we believe that all children are entitled to an education which meets their individual needs where inclusivity underpins our practices. Our INSPIRE curriculum focuses on quality first teaching and a curriculum which is differentiated to meet the individual needs of all children and ensure all pupils can make progress. Our vision for SEND is person centred ensuring that the views and needs of the child and their family are at it’s heart.
On 1st September 2014, a revised Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice was introduced. The reforms aim to implement a new approach which seeks to join up help across education, health and care, from birth to 25.
Access to this document can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-code-of-practice-0-to-25
Bishop Martin liaise with a wide variety of external agencies to support the provision in place for children with SEND, these include:
- Educational Psychologist - https://www.the-educational-psychologists.co.uk/contact
- ADHD Foundation - 0151 541 9020
- Speech and Language Therapy - 0151 295 3990
- SENISS (Special Educational Needs Inclusion Support Service) - 0151 233 5988
- School Family Support Service - 0151 233 3240
- Occupational Therapy - [email protected]
- Seedlings - 0151 707 1025
- SEND Consortia - 0800 085 2022
- Educational Welfare Officer - 0151 233 3916
- Together Trust - 0161 283 4848
- Liverpool ASD Training Team - 0151 233 5988
- ADDvanced Solutions - 0151 486 1788
- Mental Health Support Team - https://www.liverpoolcamhs.com/education-staff/emht/
- Our School Health website can be found here: https://www.merseycare.nhs.uk/our-services/liverpool/school-health-service/primary-school-health and you can contact school health on 0151 295 8415
You can also find support and advice on the Liverpool Early Helpsite
How we handle complaints from parents/carers of pupils with SEND about SEND provision.
Any complaints should first be raised with the SENCO, then if necessary with the Executive Headteacher and finally, if unresolved, with the SEND Governor. All complaints follow the school’s complaints procedure.
Managing parental complaints related to SEND (any of the following may apply)
Meetings with the parents/carers are arranged, perhaps involving a mediator such as the ‘Information, Advice and Support Service’ (currently Parent Partnership).
Key issues are identified including where there is agreement.
Discussions should take place with the SENCO.
Reports provided by outside agencies should be considered.
Outcomes are reviewed examining what progress the pupil has made.
Please find below important documents regarding our SEND provision.