Welcome to the PTA section of our website.

The Chair of our PTA is Kirsty Mcgain, you can contact her on the school telephone no. 0151 428 6295.

What is a Parent Teacher Association (PTA)?

Most schools have a Parent Teacher Association (PTA), which is an organisation of parents and staff. It's role is to encourage closer links between home and school. PTAs are best known for their fundraising work, but they have a useful social function too. Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.

How is the PTA organised?

All parents/carers and staff are automatically members of the PTA.

Most PTAs hold their annual general meeting in September, at the start of the school year. At this meeting a committee is elected to run the PTA – usually consisting of a chair, a vice-chair, a treasurer, a secretary and ordinary committee members. These ordinary members include at least one, and often two, parents from each class as 'class reps'. Their job is to pass on information from the PTA to other parents in their child’s class.

PTA committees usually meet once a term and set up smaller working groups to organise individual events.

How is money raised?

Most PTAs raise money through events. They often hold one main event each school term – for example, a Christmas fair in the winter, a quiz in the spring, and a summer fair. Other PTA events include school uniform sales, discos, race nights, non-uniform days, international evenings and many more. They’re always looking for new fundraising ideas.

Our PTA is currently raising money towards learning resources that can be used in school such as ipads and experiences that enhance 

If you are unable to attend an event but would like to make a donation towards the PTA there is a link below;

All donations will be really appreciated. Thank you. 

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