Relationships, Sex and Health Education

At Bishop Martin CE Primary School we aim to provide a programme that follows the statutory need to include Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) in our curriculum and within the ethos of our Christian school.

Bishop Martin CE Primary School aims:

  • to adopt a whole school approach to RSE in the curriculum, which fulfils the entitlement of every child to learning in this area.
  • to teach, in a way that is sensitive to the cultural backgrounds of all pupils, about relationships, love and care and the responsibilities of parenthood, as well as about sex and sexuality.
  • to equip our pupils with knowledge, understanding and skills to enable them to make choices leading to a healthy lifestyle.
  • to ensure that all children
    • develop confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and relationships
    • develop their self-esteem and sense of responsibility
    • are able to name parts of the body and describe how their body works
    • are prepared for puberty
    • can protect themselves and ask for help and support

Please find below our RSHE policy as well as a the slides shared with parents at a parents meeting. We have also included some sample Knowledge Organisers for RSHE.

Click on this link to see the Long Term plan for RSHE (within the PSHE/Safeguarding Long Term Plan)


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