Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Gordon

Mr Byrne

Welcome to the Year 6 class page!

This year, we have lots of fascinating learning experiences planned for you which we're sure will make this year a great one. Throughout the year, there are lots of new things to learn so we will have to give 100% in all that we do. As the year progresses, we will continue to develop our indepedence and hopefully develop a growth mindset where we believe we can do anything we put our minds to. 


We will continue to study one main book for our English lessons but we will also be reading a wide variety of other texts - both fiction and non-fiction - from across our curriculum to help strengthen our understanding in a range of topics.


In their Geography lessons, the children's topic is 'North and South America'. The children will learn all link their prior knowledge of urban to rural migration and apply this to the context of Brazil. The children will explore 'Megacities' and identify the megacities in Brazil. Towards the end of the unit, the children will explore the favelas and begin to challenge the stereotypes about them.


Norse Culture is the focus of our History lessons this half term as the children continue on their Opening Worlds journey. The children will be exploring key beliefs within Norse Culture and will also learn about famous 'sagas' which are still spoken about today . At the end of the topic, the children will answer the question, "How were the Norse connected with other lands and people?"


This half term, the focus of their RE lessons will be 'Who is Jesus'. During the unit, the children will explore the variety of different names which are given to Jesus and the reason/purpose for these names. The children will then acknowledge the strong connection between Christmas and Easter and the concepts of incarnation and salvation.


Throughout Spring 1, Year 6 will have their PE slot on Monday. They will have netball on Monday afternoons. On Monday, children can either wear their Bishop Martin PE kit to school or bring it and get changed before their session.

Homework is provided in books on a Friday and is due the following Tuesday.

Online homework tools: Maths is also assigned on MyMaths and weekly spellings are set on Spelling Shed. TTRS can also be accessed to support knowledge of times tables. Log in details for all will be found in your child's new reading record. 

You will be able to find all of this half-term's knowledge organisers on this page, along with lots of other updates throughout the year! Have a look at our new Curriculum Map for Autumn 1 below for more information about what we are learning in school.

Mr Byrne

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